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We went over to visit friends today, as Susan wanted us to get together and do watercolors together.  I haven’t done any new paintings for over five years, so it was a very fun afternoon.

A male Rufous Hummingbird, on a Larch branch.

More practicing necessary, but I’ve been wanting to get back to painting again.

While we were there, we saw a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds.  Wow, they’re early!  And the chickadees are singing, and we saw a pair of Clark’s Nutcrackers doing kissy-face.

And the Birch trees got carried away and have catkins already.

Spring is coming!

2 Responses to “Spring! Thoughts of it, anyway.”

  1. the other Dan says:

    Spring in January? And I thought our weather was strange 🙂 We’ve finally had a bit of rain here, hopefully the beginning of a trend and not a one time thing.

    Great painting 🙂

  2. rain says:

    I really love this painting too! Thanks Karen 😡

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