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Fifth Fall

This is our fifth fall up on the mountain, and the intense colors when they are at their peak still impresses us.


Shadows cast by the pine trees stretch towards the house. Once again our wood rack sitting on the porch has split pieces of wood, waiting to warm the house.


Behind the house the grove of aspen trees is in full fall colors.


Brilliant gold leaves against a cloud darkened sky, and stark white trees.


These colors always make me feel like knitting something.


Just another foliage picture. These leaves won't stay for long. The first good stiff wind and the air will be full of swirling gold, dancing on the currents.


It almost makes me wish for a wind.


The shadow from the house nears the satellite dishes which connect us to the internet and our television.



Shawdows and light.



Fall skies compliment fall colors on trees and brush.



No snow yet on the mountain range around us, but the next wet weather will most likely change that aspect of our views.



The only constant is the green of the conifers. Everything else changes and shifts.



At the top of the dark hillside, larches are turning golden as well. When they lose their needles, they carpet the ground with gold.


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