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Sparkles on the world

The snow in front of our deck and down the hill is smooth and deep.  But the really neat thing about it is the layers of ice crystals on top of the snow, laid down by the freezing fog.  Today we have very bright sunshine and it is making little rainbows on the ice crystals.

Sparkles on the snow, rough texture but so fragile

Sparkles on the snow, rough texture but so fragile

The bright sunshine this time of year does translate directly to cold temperatures.  This morning the low was +5F (-15C), and this weather pattern is going to continue until tomorrow evening when snow is supposed to move into the area.  That means we need to do our grocery shopping early.

Smooth with sparkles and shadows

Smooth with sparkles and shadows

More snow pictures - makes me smile

More snow pictures - makes me smile

This morning while I was working, I had to multi-task with throwing a mouse.  Mishkin has been playing with this freshly caught mouse for five hours straight, so far today.  Right now he’s lounging on the shelf under the end table next to my chair, and waiting patiently for me to stop doing unnecessary things on my computer and get back to the important work of throwing his toy.

"Well....  I'm ready!!!"

"Well.... I'm ready!!!"

Doesn’t he look so expectant?  He totally adores these toy mice and he has stashed them all over the house, under every piece of furniture and appliance.  We gather them up, a mouse round-up as it were, and put them in a drawer.  When he drowns them in his water dish and they get too water logged, that is when we throw them away.  Silly kitty.

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