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A world made of glass

Freezing fog over the past couple of days has transformed the woods into a world made of ice crystals. Every twig and needle is coated with ice crystals. This is such an ephemeral landscape.

Crystals over half an inch long

Crystals over half an inch long

Ponderosa pine

Ponderosa pine

Plum tree adorned with ice, awaiting spring

Plum tree adorned with ice, awaiting spring

Inside the house things are much more down to earth. I am going to play with some new gluten free bread recipes today, and I have planned a batch of apple and cinnamon muffins, and an apple bread with raisins. The house is full of the smell of cooking apples. I soaked these dried apple slices overnight in cold water, and now I’m making the apple sauce which will form the basis for these two breads.

Steam rises from the simmering apple slices

Steam rises from the simmering apple slices

Should be an entertaining afternoon!

Yumm, apples and cinnamon

Yumm, apples and cinnamon

Terry is admiring my handiwork from afar.  She’d rather be admiring it from a whole lot closer.

No Responses to “A world made of glass”

  1. Brandon says:

    Frozen fog layering on everything has such a beautiful effect. I’ve only seen it one other time, when I visited my brother for Christmas in 2007 and we drove through the Alsace to do wine-tasting and visit the Christmas markets. Your frozen fog looks thicker, more layers. Neat!

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