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Another new experiment

Continuing my search for good breads, I experimented today.  I have a four flour bread mix that I made from my gluten-free baking cookbook, and we don’t really care for it, though I did made a cinnamon raisin bread from it that was good.  As a plain bread… not so much.  I have quite a bit of the mix sitting around waiting for inspiration.

So my experiment.  I wanted dinner rolls, and I thought about using potato flour, not potato starch, as an ingredient or as a starting off spot for dinner rolls.  Then I decided to use the bread mix I already have and just replace some of the mix with potato flour, and add some honey.  This idea was bouncing around in my mind last night as I went to sleep.

Today after I got done with working, I embarked on my experiment.  And…

Can anybody say "yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

Can anybody say "yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

If I didn’t tell you these weren’t normal wheat and yeast rolls, you wouldn’t know it.  The potato flour made an amazing improvement and I think the honey added as well.  I divided the dough into a muffin tin and let them rise to double in size, and then baked.

As this also was a dough which acted more like a normal wheat dough in terms of how it stuck together, tomorrow or Sunday, depending on exactly which day our last batch of firewood is delivered, I’m going to try it to make cinnamon rolls because I think I will be able to handle the dough in rolling it out.  Exciting if this works.  For years and years I’ve celebrated the first snow of the year with cinnamon rolls.

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