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Ain’t Technology Grand?

This morning I set my laptop computer up in the kitchen, by the wood cook stove; it’s nice and toasty warm in the kitchen. I love using the the various levels of technology – wood stoves circa 1800’s and internet circa mid 1990’s. While I’m working, I’m also watching a friend playing in a world championship tournament, live 🙂

Wireless internet over a satellite, and next to a wood stove.

Wireless internet over a satellite, and next to a wood stove.

We escaped the freezing temperatures the last couple of days, unlike people in the valley who lost gardens if they weren’t protected. There’s something to be said about living on the side of a mountain.

Yesterday I finished processing the half case of pluots I’d gotten last week. I made Spiced Pluot Sauce, which is absolutely wonderful on pancakes, especially blueberry pancakes. Then I made a batch of Pluot Butter, a thick and spicy and lemon gooey delicious thing to put on English muffins, and I made a couple of jars of Pluot Jam.


This afternoon I have peaches to work on. I’ll make both Peach Butter, and some Peach Jam.

And then I’m done with fresh fruit.  I can start working on the fruit I froze over the summer.

One Response to “Ain’t Technology Grand?”

  1. Laura Kidd says:

    You are a busy sole. So enjoy what you do. So you are still using the wood stove also beside your new one? The peach cake sure looks yummy. Not much going one here. A beautiful day here. My air conditional is in but won’t get any use until summer 2017 and the furnace is ready to go as soon as I need it. Until next time.

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