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Monthly Archive for January, 2009

And It’s Not Even Saturday

We came home from our little trip down the hill to the mail box, Netflix movie in hand for this evening, and when I walked in the front door, Terry announced in no uncertain terms “Want a bath!!!”  Well, her wish is our command. I started the shower and popped her in. She looks rather […]

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I’ve been making this sock pattern for worsted wool winter socks since 1978, but only periodically.  And, every time I do make them, I wonder what in the world I was thinking when I wrote the pattern down, and I tell myself to fix it so I don’t have to figure out what my younger […]

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Hunters Big and Small

Today the Pygmy Nuthatches, chickadees, woodpeckers, and jays of various descriptions were all complaining about an intruder in their midst. Dan figured the owl had made a return visit but we weren’t able to find him readily. However, when Dan went outside to brush the snow off the solar panels so we could get some […]

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Above freezing

For the first time since mid to late November, it is above freezing.  The snow is softening and getting heavier, and falling off the trees with a soft whomping sound.  This made for some interesting times plowing the driveway, but I don’t think any landed directly on Dan’s head.  We have had so much snow […]

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Still snowing

We are up and running again on satellite broadband. Except for a stupidity on email, all is working wonderful and it means 2009 is off to a rousing start finally. The path from the front deck to the garage is getting filled up with snow again this morning. Yesterday I shoveled a good fat fluffy […]

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