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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Seedlings cont’d

Tomatoes, basil and cucumbers are all up and looking good for babies! The pepper seeds have yet to make an appearance. I need to stop giving them a hard time for being lazy. I’ve been told negativity will stunt their growth. See? Lazy pepper seeds!! Lazy!! This afternoon we’re going to plant peas, lettuce and […]

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Our first seedlings for the year. Today we’re going to plant our seed potatoes and relocate a couple of nest boxes for other future babies to utilize.

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April 1st. Surprise!

Have to love April 1st pranks. Mother Nature apparently adores them. We had to run some errands on Saturday so off to town we go. Fortunately like most April 1st jokes this was short-lived and the snow and ice had mostly melted by the time we headed back home. So we did our chores in […]

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Happy Spring Equinox!!

The first day of spring and we saw a Tree Swallow perching on our garden fence, a Violet Green Swallow buzzing around the yard, and a Say’s Phoebe as well. And since then nary a sign of any migrant bird species. That will be changing this next week most likely. We are about three weeks […]

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It *is* still 2023, right?

This year is going to go by so very fast, I can already tell. I’m just hoping I didn’t miss an entire year! We are thinking about gardening and looking at seed catalogs online. We’re going to limit the varieties of things to plant this year, and just plant things we tend to use the […]

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Where did November go?

The last two months have gone by so fast, and not that much happened around here. I think it’s because winter showed up on November 4th and unlike other years when we got an early snowfall, this one didn’t melt yet. Ok, so that’s not so bad. We can handle six inches of snow with […]

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Cat’s Eye View

So today I decided to look at things from a cat’s eye view. Mish has a routine (one of many) where he gets up from his morning/afternoon nap and the first thing he does is want to take another nap while I serve as a cat bed. He gets annoyed if the computer is in […]

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Tomato problem.

No freezing weather yet! Amazing. Having too many tomatoes is a good problem to have! We picked tomatoes today, and have at least this many tomatoes still remaining on the plants for later harvesting. The tomatoes are so delicious! Yesterday I fixed this. It does need freshly picked tomatoes so grocery store tomatoes will not […]

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September renovations

We finally finished the painting and most of the woodwork in the house; the only room we haven’t done anything with yet is our bedroom. That will be next but this week we get to play instead of work. It was so nice to take down the stupid shelving the former owners had scattered around […]

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Took some knitting pictures with my phone and found some summer pictures that we’d forgotten about. Thanks to all the rain we had in the spring and summer, we have the tallest grass and weeds we’ve seen in the last couple of years we’ve been here. Same holds true for this entire area. All the […]

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