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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

First project is done.

Well, almost done. Still have a lot of little projects like staining and varnishing the top of the window seat, and making a cushion. Fortunately neither is time sensitive. At some point there will be a rug but probably a month away from that. The ingredients for the cushion on the window seat are sitting […]

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The contractors are done with their part. We have lots of our own little finishing project things to do like repainting areas in the new room where there are scuff marks on the wall made when they installed the flooring; finishing the wood inside and out in the window seat; painting the wall where the […]

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As told from the perspective of one member of the house. Well poor little guy is hiding in the bed waiting for the interlopers to leave and things to get back to what he perceives as “normal.” Changing perspective to a different member of the household. There is good progress. The concrete board needs to […]

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What a difference a day makes.

Well a couple of weeks now, but still it seems quick! So far, so good. No drama has been created by our friends working on our repairs to the back of our house and in fact they solved a bit of drama we had been worried about for several years. So the first thing we […]

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Spring is a bit early.

The snow is mostly gone now and the yard looks like the beginning April, not the end of January! This is so weird. Some snow remnants remain on shaded north facing slopes under trees, or where piled up by snow plows or a shovel. The garden has no snow left at all!! We just hope […]

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Snow and Sunsets

Winter arrived. Fortunately for us, we had gotten these few inches of snow before the bottom dropped out of the temperatures and we are hopeful the strawberry plants had enough cover that this low temperature didn’t kill the plants. We will know for sure in a few months, right about the beginning of April. We […]

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New Year

We got a little bit of snow in December, which promptly melted. Then it snowed again. Then it melted again. Since the weather has been a little boring we’ve been keeping up with that theme and not doing much. The trees are so beautiful with their frosting of snowflakes. Because the temperature was just barely […]

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New project.

Managed to not knit something for several days. Takes longer to string all the little beads onto the perl cotton thread than it does to knit this pattern. Just a fun little project.

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Finished completely.

Yesterday afternoon I blocked my knitting project. Then I had to do more waiting until this morning when it was completely dry to remove all the pins and blocking yarns. Light as a feather. Very pleased with this project and loved knitting the pattern. Yay!

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Cheese cushions.

It’s time to make one of our most favorite bread recipes. It’s amazing what happens when I’m not being obsessed with knitting all day long. I have fiddled with this recipe off and on for years because I can’t seem to resist doing that, and it’s gluten free. This is the stickiest dough and it […]

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